Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Resurrection of Sorts

I knew I had let my blog languish for a few months and when I checked, yep...September was the last time I posted anything.

With that discovered, one of my challenges this year as it has been in the years since I retired from my U.S. Court career is to have more of a routine through out my week, so I'm going to add posting to my blog on my "Things to make a habit" list.   I am a creature of routine and habit.

I like being a bit accountable to it, I like sharing things I'm doing and even if nobody reads it, I feel like I'm leaving a living, breathing diary/journal for our son and any future grandchildren I may have after I'm gone. 

I'm not big on starting new things at New Year's, to me it's a little cliche but probably more about the fact I'm never mentally prepared at the first of the year to make changes. 

Some of the things I'm challenging myself to incorporate into my weekly routine and make a habit are:
  • Yoga
  • Blogging
  • Crafting
  • Reading
  • Meditation
  • Walking or biking (once I get permission from my foot doctor)
I need to incorporate each of those things several times during my week.  I always read at bed time but depending on how tired I am, I might only read one or two chapters before I get sleepy.  I'd like to increase the time I reach for a book.  I enjoy my time online but it needs to be balanced more with the things I enjoy in real life.  Gardening will be added to that list once our gardening season is here.

I got creative and made myself a "cheat sheet" that I laminated and can slide in my planner to act as a reminder and my cheat sheet coordinates with my journal I'm keeping to track my progress.  More on that journal in future posts.

Last October, I also took a part time job as a sales associate for Le Creuset at the new outlet mall in my burb, it's only 10-15  hours a week, so I have plenty of time to do the other things I enjoy.  The part time job adds some routine that I clearly crave PLUS a very generous employee discount to enjoy on their brand of products and a little extra money every week.

I'm also going to be redoing my blog so I can incorporate my small home based art and crafts business Serendipity Home Art & Crafts.  It a fun project of mine that allows me to be creative and make a little bit of money.  You can find my Facebook page here and I'll be updating it soon with some new stuff.

So, welcome to my blog if you've made it this far and I hope you'll visit again.


    Janet said...

    Those are good and realistic goals! I, too, have struggled with regular blogging and need to get myself on a better (any?) schedule! Love the idea of the laminated list! :)

    Looking forward to your future posts!


    Kristina said...

    Thanks Janet! I'm always lurking around your blog and love your adorable Lily and her cousin Rory.