Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Edited to Add: I found out that it was my talented friend Gina who did the page kit I used for the holiday photo....Thank you girlfriend!

It's been a pretty busy time since returning from Salt Lake City. I've had family in town and over at my house, I haven't felt the best since coming back and this week, work has been busy with projects and deadlines.

Met with Darcy the devil last night after being gone a week. At least I did get some exercise while I was in Salt Lake City, but once I returned, I didn't get to the gym until last night. She kicked my butt! I lost track of how many freaking squats and crunches I did. I woke up this morning barely able to sit down on the toilet....LOL! I ended up taking some ibuprofen once I got to work. Although I was hurting, it felt good knowing that my efforts are paying off. My clothes are fitting looser, Fred is noticing I'm much more toned and on the nights I do go to the gym, I sleep like a baby.

The weekend before I left for Salt Lake City, I must have caught a creative wind, because I sat down and completed 7 pages.

Basic Grey Fruitcake Patterned Paper and Monogram Letters, Queen & Co Brad, Creative Imaginations Rub-On, American Crafts Precision Pen

Bazzill Cardstock, American Crafts Thickers Accents, Making Memories Letters, 2 Peas Flea Market computer font

Cardstock – unknown, Cloud 9 Designs Patterned Paper – Sparkle Outdoor Leaf Pile, Sparkle Outdoor Windy Day, Cloud 9 Designs Epoxy Brad, Cloud 9 Designs Epoxy Word Stickers, Cloud 9 Designs Chipboard Accent Stickers, Reminisce Self Adhesive Die Cut Journaling Sticker

Cloud 9 Designs - Patterned Paper, Sparkle Accent Rub-ons, Chipboard Accent stickers, Epoxy Brad, Ribbon, Cardstock, Making Memories Noteworthy Notebook Page, Leaving Prints Cardstock Alphabet Stickers

Bazzill Cardstock, Fancy Pants Transparency – Circled Frames, K&Company Brenda Walton letter stickers (these are REALLY OLD)

Basic Grey Fruitcake Patterned Paper, Embellishments – unknown, page swap with one of my scrapbook groups, Creative Imaginations Letter Stickers, Impression Obsession Journaling Stamp

Hope someone out there recognizes that page kit because there was no identifier on it and I like to give credit where credit is due.

I used up a BUNCH of older stuff on these pages intermingled with some newer things. I still haven't really made a dent yet in my supplies. I wonder if I EVER will

Friday, July 25, 2008

Just had to share!

Having just seen up close and personal 2 of the 3 most influential rock chicks in my life, I was totally stoked when I saw this video on a gossip blog I occasionally read. Both the artist and the song are amazing.

If SHE EVER comes back to Iowa, front row would be the only thing acceptable to me.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm back home

My operational forum was good, seeing Janalee and Hyrum was the best (more on that later). I'm tired, I don't feel all that good and I'm damn glad I have tomorrow off.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Could this really be happening?

I know I'm political, but do you think I have shot?

Friday, July 18, 2008

I found this test on Jen's blog and thought it looked intriguing!


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)

Take the test!

I took the test and I'm proud to say that my score was -4 VERY POOR.....LOL!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Best Wedding Toast EVAH!

I got tears in my eyes thinking about how much these people loved her to do this.

Best Wedding Toast Ever!!!! (Amy's Song) - More bloopers are a click away

Monday, July 14, 2008

Another Music Alert

Okay, this isn't a new CD, it was released in August 2007, but Fred and I have been enjoying the hell out of Fuel's latest endeavor Angels & Devils. You will probably recognize the song "Wasted Time" but in my opinion, there isn't a single throw away song on the the lead singer is a hottie! His name is Toryn Green...what a rockstar name! Fred and I toyed with the name "Taryn" had Connor been a girl....but I digress....Check it out all you rock chicks!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Busy Weekend!

We all had a great time at Adventureland....what trip to Adventureland is complete without someone puking???, Connor Andrew puked after riding the Side Winder, G-Force and Hot Air Balloons in succession. His stomach was empty so he was only puking up liquid and he felt better at a bit. Chloe is fearless...she rode the G-Force again by herself after Connor and I had to take a few minutes to recover.

We spent a few hours riding rides, then we went back home, ate the picnic lunch that I had packed (we decided it was too damn hot to have a picnic), changed into our swimsuits and went back to the park. Adventureland opened up Kokomo Kove this year and we wanted to check it out. It was a good time!

My photos aren't great from the outing. It was too sunny and I didn't want to lug along my Drebel, so I brought my Nikon point and shoot. I'm still not totally familar with the setting on that camera, so I wasn't super happy with the results and I know that camera can take good pictures. That's okay though....I'm sure I'll be able to salvage a few photos for a couple of scrapbook pages.

Today....Connor has a birthday party in Des Moines. While he is there, Fred and I are going to run some errands. Tonight....I'm scrapbooking!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Just a quick note

I was very proud of myself today. I got on my bike, rode up to Walgreens to pick up some shampoo, Hy-Vee to drop off our Red Box movie rentals, then on to my gym, Anytime Fitness and did a 40 minute workout, then rode back home. Total riding was a little over 3 miles.

Connor didn't want to go to the pool today, he was busy filming a new Star Wars movie and wanted me to act as costume designer and maker. This kid better remember me in his Oscar acceptance speech if he is ever a famous movie director who wins an Oscar....LOL.

I finished the final assignment for Jessica Sprague's online class. This one took me awhile. I'm sure glad that all of the lesson will be available forever, because I'm pretty sure I'm not going to remember everything I learned.

Got a hell of a sinus headache this afternoon and had to resort to taking some heavy duty pain killers, so while I was resting, I watched Ryan Reynolds in "Definitely, Maybe"...cute movie, Abigail Breslin is also in it and so is the gal from the "The Mummy", Rachael Weisz.


Monday, July 7, 2008

I've been Tagged!

I've been tagged by Janet P on her blog, so I must answer the following questions -

Ten Years Ago:

1998. I was at the same job, married to the same man. Connor was 3 years old and quite the handfull.

Five Things on Today's To-Do List:

Return something to Walmart - done
Go visit Grammy at the cemetary - done
Go to Credit Union - done
Workout with Darcy @5:00
Work on my Jessica Sprague "Now We're Rockin" online class

Snacks I enjoy:

Dill Pickles
Potato Chips (I WISH I hated them!)
Red Licorice
Ice Cream

Things I would do if I were a Millionaire:

Give to my favorite charities
Buy my nephew an awesome wheelchair
Build a new home and decorate the whole house from Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel.

Places I have lived:

Des Moines, Iowa
Various AFB in the U.S.
Scottsdale, AZ
San Diego, CA

Four People I am tagging:


Tanya B

Crafty Storage Blog


Looks like quite the dreary day today so no aquatic center for us this afternoon. Probably a good thing, because we both got quite ALOT of sun yesterday.

Day #1 of Vacation Part #2

Today was the first day of my second week of vacation. I didn't count Friday, July 4th or Saturday or Sunday because I would have had those days off anyway.....

I was motivated enough this morning to get the downstair foyer hallway painted. No new color, but wanted to freshen it up a bit. That hallway has a lot of traffic and it was looking pretty dingy.

After getting the hallway painted, Connor and I went downstairs to the basement so he could pick up the mess he has made down there since the last time we cleaned it up. He may a dent in it, but it still needs some work.....I think I'll have him do a little each day so it doesn't seem so daunting.

It was pretty humid today, so we decided to hit the local aquatic center for a few hours. We love going to the pool! I know I probably look like a beached whale in my swimming suit, but I don't care because I love the water and I love relaxing by the side of the pool, having a favorite beverage close by and catching up on my reading. Today it was the newest issue of "O" magazine and the current book I'm reading.

A couple of Saturdays ago, a friend of mine hosted a crop that I attending and I've been meaning to share the pages that I finished that day.

I'm kicking ass on my goals for this week, so I may actual have a WHOLE day that I an do some traditional scrapbooking.

Here's a couple more assignments for the Jessica Sprague "Now We're Rockin" class:

Thanks for stopping by and those of you NOT leaving comments (you know who YOU are...LOL)....please drop me a note if you have time.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We had a wonderful day today celebrating the 4th! It actually started last night when on a whim we decided to go see a drive-in movies. Before Connor was born, Fred and I made regular trips to the drive-in when the SE 14th Street Drive-In was still open in the late 80's, early 90's. We even spent a July 4th there one time with a few car loads of friends and did a whole tailgate thing.

Connor has never been. Last summer we tried to go, but Connor, the spoiled, multi-plex, stadium seating child that he is, he couldn't seem to wrap his brain around watching a movie outside or in your car.

The movies that were playing this week were WALL-E and Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian. We popped some popcorn, filled a cooler, grapped a Subway sandwich and off we went. Had a blast! I loved WALL-E (Gina, are you out there....I liked it more than I thought I would), but both Connor and I fell asleep half way through Prince Caspian.....we will have to rent it when it comes out on DVD. We didn't get home until almost 2:00 in morning!

Today we had to get ready for our celebration. Our friend Paul, my brother Larry and his friend Craig were coming for over burger and hot dogs. So in the morning, I got the baked beans ready to go in the oven, the potato salad chilling and the fruit cut up and in the fridge. We were in pretty good shape, so Connor and I decided to go the aquatic center for a couple of hours and chill. It was great, the water was refreshing, I had the current issue of More Magazine and my favorite 45 SPF Hawaiian Tropic Suntan Lotion.

After pool time, we came home, showered and finished getting dinner ready. Fred got the burgers and hot dogs on the grill, the side dishes were done and Paul had brought a cherry pie for dessert.

After dinner we dove in and complete cleaned up the kitchen so that wasn't looming in the background, then popped a few Miller Chills and waited until we could do some fireworks. We caught a bit of the U.S. Olympic Swimming trials that are being held in Omaha, but it was such a lovely night, we vacated to the deck.

Before we too we had quite a few of the neighborhood kids hanging out wanting to do sparklers and smoke bombs and my sister brought Chloe and Gunner to watch the display. Gunner gets so excited during fireworks and I was having a blast catching his expressions on camera.

Hope all of you had a great July 4th!