Saturday, January 26, 2013

Kitchen Cabinet

I found THIS at Hobby Lobby a couple of weeks ago and decided I wanted to cover a couple more of my upper kitchen cabinets.  I had painted one cabinet and my pantry door a couple years ago and have loved it every since, but this product makes it even easier and you can remove it.

Here's what I did with one of the cabinets -

I think it turned out cute!

On to the next project........

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Surprise! I'm back......

I decided that I need to start posting on my blog again.  It's been a rough couple of months for my family and I need an outlet to offload some stress.  You may all find me a couple cotton-headed ninny-muggings if you decide to read my ramblings, but I promise I'll show you some fun home projects and craft projects.  I may even share with you some favorite recipes and definitely what I'm reading, which at this exact moment is the latest James Patterson's Alex Cross novel Merry Christmas, Alex Cross.  I'm hoping if I commit to sharing my projects, it will be enough to get me off my butt and get them done.

Thanks for stopping by!