Saturday, September 4, 2010

Summer's End

It's been a while since I've updated my blog.  It seems like the summer has raced past us.  Only a couple more weeks and we'll be into Fall (which happens to be my favorite season).

We found out last week that we did NOT win or even place in the Hy-Vee Extreme Family Nutrition Makeover Challenge that we participated in for most of the summer.  The family that did were a lot more hard core than we were.  Fred said they worked out 2 hours a day EVERY day.  Well, we couldn't do that even if we tried as Connor and I were gone for 7 days on vacation and I had a work trip to D.C.

Regardless of our placement in the challenge, we did change some things and created new habits.  I'm most excited about re-discovering tennis and Frisbee.  I also got to purchase a new bike this summer that I've been having a lot of fun riding.  My Nike+ fitness systems is awesome and I truly believe it's helping me stay on track.

It's nice to have a holiday weekend.  I've been gone again to Washington D.C. on a work trip, the second one there this summer, but my project is now over and I doubt I'll have to go back anymore.  It almost felt like a second home for a while.

I think I'm going to take a break from blogging for a while.  We've got some home projects that we want to get done before winter and I want to concentrate on finishing those.

Those of you on Facebook will see me regularly and if I get the whim to post, I will.  I just don't want to feel that it's something that I HAVE to do.

In a couple of weeks, Fred, Connor and I will be leaving for a long weekend trip to Orlando to go see Universal Studios and Universal Studios Islands of Adventure that has the new Harry Potter Theme Park.  It should be a lot of fun and when I get back, I'll definitely update my blog with some pictures.

I'll see ya then.......