Monday, January 21, 2008

See, I'm not always organized.......

Here's what my scraproom has looked like lately or that is until Sunday when I finally had some time to clean it up.

I've even had a basket of stuff smack dab in the middle of the floor in hopes that it would force me to go through it and organize it better.

Thank goodness I got motivated on Sunday and totally cleaned it up. It was driving me crazy and I haven't done one single thing since I let it get like this.

Today was Martin Luther King's birthday and the federal government is shut down in honor of him. I took Dianne and Laureen out to lunch today because Thursday is both of their birthdays. Laureen is turning the big 50 and Dianne is turning 49. Friday night Laureen is hosting a big-girl slumber party at her house that we are all attending. It's going to be a blast! Cocktails, great food (Laureen is a fabulous cook), chick flicks and good company. Who could ask for more?

Next Sunday, Fred, Connor and I are driving up to Minneapolis. We are going to spend the night Sunday night and come back early evening Monday. My sister and Chloe are going to follow us up but they will be driving back later Sunday night. Chloe hasn't been to Mall of American and she wants to go to Camp Snoopy and Legoland. I, of course have to go to IKEA and I also want to look at either Bloomingdales or Macy's for a cast iron dutch oven.

Here's a link to the one I am coveting:

Le Creuset

Have a great week!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The List

Unfortunately, I haven't been feeling very well lately so I haven't written anything for awhile. I've gone through a head cold, sinus infection and pink eye in a matter of about 7 days. Even though my head STILL feels like a concrete brick, I'm at least up and moving today. The sun is shining and I may actually work on a couple of scrapbook pages if my mojo kicks in.

I saw this list on somebody else's blog a couple of weeks ago and thought I would list my own things or people who don't ever disappoint.

1. My Scrapfriends - I am fortunate to have lots and lots of women that I've meet through my hobby both online and IRL. They are all a huge source of support and friendship.

2. Starbucks Peppermint Hot Chocolate - I don't really like Starbucks coffee, but I love their Peppermint Hot Chocolate. It's just too bad it's only around during the holidays.

3. Downey Wrinkle Releaser - I HATE to iron and until Fred switched careers, I never really did much of it. Now that he has dress shirts, I'm forced to either teach Fred to iron (which I'm sure will go over like a lead balloon) or buy nothing but wrinkle resistance shirts....well, I found this product and it's a life saver or should I say iron saver.

4. Soft Lips Lip Balm - My absolute favorite lip balm. I keep one in my purse, on my nightstand and on my desk at work. I personally like the cherry flavored.

5. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers - nuff said.