Thursday, September 4, 2014

~* Making Lemonade from Lemons *~

In a previous post I told you about our home owners association threatening us with legal action if we didn't remove this shed -

which by the way, is a lot nicer than a whole lot of other sheds in the neighborhood and development, but we're tired of dealing with the assholes, and that's exactly what those that sit on the Board of Directors are.....assholes.....power driven assholes (apologies to those of you that don't curse, but you might as well get to used to it if your going to read my blog), so last Sunday my brother and a friend of us came over and took it down.  I mourned it for about a day and then I said "SCREW THEM.....I'll figure out something to do with that area and there won't be a damn thing they can say to me" after one trip to Lowe's and scrounging around in my gardening stash, I turned that empty lonely concrete pad (which has our son's hand print from 2005 in it) to..........THIS

The potting bench was inside the shed, the small wooden bench is from my mother's porch that sat next to the shed, the terra cotta planter on the left was a gift brought back to me from Palm Springs by my Aunt and Uncle and I just snagged the bird bath on a Facebook For Sale page a couple of weeks ago for $15 bucks.....I don't like seeing the utility boxes that our shed hid from our view but this set up hides them a bit.  Next year I'll have to put my rabbit fencing all the way around the tomato garden on the right to keep those "wasskily wabbits" away!

I was pretty please with how we're using it right now and I feel like I made lemonade out of lemons.  I also feel like I'm giving the big old finger to the jerks that sit on our home owner's association board and that folks, make me smile.

1 comment:

troof said...

Love it! Way to go, girlfriend.