Saturday, May 24, 2008

Even though the weather wasn't very nice, the kids all had a great time at their Graduation party. I ended up being the official photographer of the event and took over 400 pictures that I have to burn on to a CD to give to one of the other mothers and then her hubby is going to take all of the photos that were taken from various cameras and burn a CD for each student.....very cool!

I was pretty proud of myself this morning. I got up at 7:30am and went to the gym. I hadn't been since Tuesday, when I worked out at Satan and I should have gone yesterday after we got home from school, but I pooped out, so bright and early this morning I hit it for about 45 minutes.

I also got down to Walmart for peanut butter, spaghetto's and toilet paper and then spent the rest of the morning pricing garage sale stuff. I got it done...YEA! now I just have to get $40 bucks in dollar bills and change and I'm ready to open the garage door. Sure hope my sister gets over here and marks her stuff, because I sure don't know what she wants for it.

I even finished another page today where I used Basic Grey's new Archaic line. I had already did two pages with it on National Scrapbook Day, but I love it so much I can't put it down.

I'll share some of my pages I've done tomorrow.

Side Note: I AM SO not ready for junior high and girls.....I have s story and pictures to share in a future post.

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Graduations all over the place:) We just had Christopher's "Moving On" ceremony tonight at preschool.

Hope you had a good garage sale...