Friday, May 23, 2008

Freaking Weather.......*&#(*&

I really don't mind the rain, in fact, in my perfect world, it would rain every third day for a few hours so I wouldn't have to water everything, just my hanging plants (which really need watering everyday).

But TODAY....come knew we were planning a 6th grade graduation party at the Altoona Aquatic Center and a pizza picnic at the Master Gardener's garden, so why today? Thank goodness we had a contingencty plan and we're now going to the Altoona Campus and the kids can swim there and we'll just do our picnic party at the school instead of the garden.

We went and saw "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls". It was a fun movie! but I'm not sure we liked the ending. It was okay, but left alot of things unanswered. I was surprised that Steven Speilberg and George Lucas would do that and it's not because I think there may be another, because both have said, no more.

Gotta go to the party now.....later.....

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Blech, I agree this is a horrible day for an outdoor party. You know it's miserable when even my friend Amy tells her kids not to go outside:)

Hm, I really like the idea of rain every 3rd day and not having to water anything!

Hope you have fun indoors at the party:)