Friday, August 25, 2017

It's finally happening.......

After 13 years of a master closet that I hated and that I have fought with to find a workable solution to our clothes and my shoes and purses, we are finally going to gut it and re-work the shelving system. 

This has become necessary now because we are going to put new carpet in our master bedroom and that includes the closet floor.

Our master closet has this awkward wooden built in (see below) set right in the middle of the back wall and it is wasting at least 6 to 8 linear feet of hanging space.  As you can see, I use canvas bins and baskets as storage within the built in, but it also makes the space dark and the clothes that hang to the back of our closet get "lost" because of I want it gone!

So, we need to get that built in out of there before we can proceed with carpet, but since we are demoing the closet, we might as well re-configure it and give it a fresh coat of paint, especially since it looks like we'll be staying put for awhile.

Unfortunately our budget does not include those fabulous wooden closet systems, I checked out Martha Stewart's line of wooden closet systems but I'm not going to spend 3k on a closet do-over and our master closet isn't that large, just 6' deep and 7' across.

So, knowing wood was out of the question, I went to Lowe' and looked at their Rubbermaid coated wire closet systems and accessories and found exactly what we need for under $300.00.

I'm hoping to empty the closet today so tomorrow the husband can take on the task of demoing that built in out, then I can paint, using the same Sherwin Williams Dover White (SW 6385) that all the closets are painted.  Once the painting is done, we can start installing the closet system. 

We also decided to take the door off the closet permanently, or at least until we decide to sell because where the closet is located nobody but myself and husband see it and although the husband doesn't know this yet, we'll be replacing the light fixture also because it's doesn't do the job.  So between the door off and a new fixture, it should help immensely.

Now days, I'm not as fast at completing home projects as I used to be so I'm hoping that we get this project done before the 16th of September when we leave for our 30th Anniversary "honeymoon" in Estes Park, Colorado.

Enjoy your weekend!  and I'm keep my blog updated with our progress.  I'm excited!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Letting Go........

Next month I'll be celebrating a milestone birthday and because I'll be entering in a new decade, there are some things in my life that I'm finally letting go of to start off my next decade off fresh.

My family has had a rough 18 months.  As I have mentioned in previous blog posts, both myself and the husband lost a parent and recently we lost a long time pet, so we desperately need some cleansing of bad mojo but just recently the tide has seemed to turn with a new job opportunity for the husband in his career and our son finding a floor manager position with Target (my favorite store).

I've had a whole lot of things taking space up in my head that have caused me emotions that aren't necessary and it's totally foolish of me to continue to let these things bother me and cause me pain.  Some have had their grip on me for years and some are relatively new.  I need to let them go and I'm working on some self-talk when those thoughts start to enter my head.

In the last year, I've had to re-evaluate friendships and other relationships and decide what course of action to take because more important than ever in my life and in this world, I want to surround myself with people who share the same values and be done with those that do not.   I'm not ashamed to admit that our circle of friends has grown smaller but for us at this point it's quality, not quantity that counts.

I'm also letting go of the ideal that I'm going to go back to weighing the 125 pounds I did at age 21.  It's not going to happen, it was almost 40 years ago and I'd look like crap at my age at that weight.  I'm letting that go and be thankful for my current good health and just concentrate on moving, be that gardening, walking, biking or yoga.

I'm also letting go of a lot of time spent on social media.  Lately, I found that whenever I am on Facebook, my news feed is depressing and I see the same damn thing posted by multiple people and it's just not fun anymore.   I'm not giving it up because it is the only way for me to keep up with my out of state friends but I'm scaling back big time.

Lastly, I'm excited about a possible part time job opportunity.  A new 75 high end store outlet mall is opening up in our burb in late October and they are having a job fair next month that I'm going to go and see if I can find PT work that will fit my needs.  Cross your fingers!

Since it appears that we will be staying in this home for a few more years, we've got some home projects coming up that is going to keep me busy over the next 3-4 months and I'll share as things get done.

In the meantime, as my water bottle says "Worry Less, Live More"

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Food for my Head Part #1

A couple things I started doing during the period of time that I wasn't feeling well was both meditation and yoga.  I didn't do them everyday like I probably should have, but I used those tools when I needed to help with my anxiety and the gastric problems I'm now dealing with plus I really enjoyed the stretching.  My form needs a hella lot of work, hoping to improve that over the next few months.

I've owned this Rodney Yee Yoga Video for at least a year and I enjoy the yoga workouts in the video, but I also found myself not practicing as often as I should have because I didn't feel well enough or I simply didn't make time for it and that is my goal for right now.  Rather than set myself a bunch of goals, I'm going to take one at a time and right now it's yoga, every day for at least 20 minutes.  It's not a substitute for the walking (that I've not been able to do much of because of the hot, hot weather) or the aqua aerobics I do when I go to our local aquatic.  I want to do this EVERY day.

I found this great website through Google when searching for free yoga classes or challenges.  It's called Yoga with Adriene and just started her 31 days of Yoga program.  She also has a great YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene.  

Let me know if you want to join me for the next 30 days., I'd love to have some yoga buddies.  I'm on Day #2 today.  This Sunday, I'm taking a yoga class with some very special guests, but you'll have to wait for photos from that.  😊

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Last month after having to make the hard decision to put our beloved oldest pet, Kirby to sleep due to illness, I started toying with the idea of re-starting my blog.  I'm not sure why and I'm not sure why I stopped, but when I went to find it, I was surprised to see that my last post was in May of 2016 and 14 months have passed

I don't know where I want to go with this blog, but I did find I was better at writing at it than I was in a journal.  It was a hard time for my family after my dad's passing as my husband lost his mother just a short five months later in August of 2016.  I wish I could say that the last year has been easier, but I'd be lying if I did, because it hasn't.  2017 is working on being just as depressing as 2016 was but I keep trying to be as optimistic as I can.

Since my last blog post, I also had my first real experience with a long lingering illness which put a lot of things in my life in perspective.  I was so thankful that I finally started feeling well again, but I felt like I lost four months of my life that I could have been enjoying, and although it was life altering at the time, it was not life threatening and for that, I'm also thankful.

One positive thing to report that from a year ago the first part of August, I've been able to find a way to trim off 18-22 pounds depending on the day and am hoping to lose another 20-25.   Not that it can't be done, but losing weight post menopausal is tough for some and that some would be me.  I am happy that I'm not on any high cholesterol meds or high blood pressure meds that quite a few of my contemporaries take and I'm also not pre-diabetic which I've always worried would rear it's ugly head later in life as I was a gestational diabetic.

In another seven weeks I'll be celebrating a pretty big milestone birthday and when looking at it as a number, it's scary, but other than the new aches and pains that come with aging, it feels no different than the last milestone birthday I had.

I promise my future posts will be much more upbeat than this one and try to keep my sharing to fun things that are going on, or my latest DIY project, or the last book I read or movie I saw or a new recipe we tried.  I might even get adventurous and post a videos also.

Thanks for following my new re-awakened life's journey!