In late January this year, I decided to take Stacy Julian's on-line class "Library of Memories". If you have read my blog for awhile, you'll probably remember me posting about it earlier this year.....anyhoo.....
After 6 months of sorting, purging, organizing every frigging photo I have, I can now say I'm satisfied with how I can access my photos and organize my pages in a manner that I find much more enjoyable.
I said I haven't purchased a lot of scrapbook supplies in the last 3-4 months because I've been on an American Crafts album run. Actually, other than a couple of them, I was able to take advantage of Hobby Lobby's coupon and frequent 50% off sale of those things, so it didn't cost me nearly as much as I thought it was going to.
I went back to 3-ring binder from post bound. Why? because it's easier. period.
Here's a couple of photos of where I store our albums. Easy access to get at them and LOOK at them. That's important.
The black albums that you see in the top photos on the top shelves are all of the 8 1/2 X 11 pages of baby Connor, toddler Connor, little boy Connor and I kept them chronological. Down below there are also black albums, but these are 12 X 12 and they are "Us" themed and contain all of pages of the three of us or even a father/son page or a mother/son page.
The red albums are Connor's "School of Life" albums and they contain both 8 1/2 X 11 pages and 12 X 12 pages from school, sports, friends and any thing else I decide to put in it.
The brown album is "People" and this is where I keep layouts of my extended family, friends. Chloe and Gunner are in this album, but I have separate albums for them also. This one is mine, the others will someday go to them.
The blue albums are "Things" and this album store pages about certain stuff we do, everyday moments type things, traditions, things we like.
Lastly the green albums are "Places" and this album houses all of our vacation pages (unless I decide to do mini album from a vacation), roadtrips, zoo visits, museums and places we like to go.
I decided against using ribbon to tie my labels on and went with some larger brads that I've had FOREVER and I have attached the label onto the bulldog clip that way.
I have a whole stack of current pages that need to go into these albums, so that my next motivation to get done. It's very satisfying to have created a system for my hobby that lets me enjoy the process rather than worrying about how much I get done or being behind. I don't think I want to be "caught up"...then what would I do?
So ****huge project finished****big pat on the back to me****i see a reward in my future**** LOL